If The Maltz was to open a bar of his own, here is a quick list of the MUST haves:
- There would be both cold draft beer on tap and cold bottled beer. Not 1 or the other.
- There would be plenty of iced beer mugs and pint glasses. It's always a bonus to find the ice chip in the bottom nook of a mug - love it.
- The bar itself would be made of wood, not the phony metal warehouse look popping up these days.
- The bar would definitely have plenty of seating and the stools would have backs. And the seat would be able to rotate 360.
- There would be a foot rest the length of the bar.
- Under the bar, there would be hooks every 3 feet or so. This is probably The Maltz's favorite feature of a bar. It's so under-rated yet is so convenient. How many times are you stuck holding your briefcase and/or gym bag?
- There would be ice in the urinals, like at the old Bank Cafe. Nothing like drawing a smiley face to pass the time. Plus, when done properly, it keeps the splash and smell factors down. Great feature, ranking high on my list probably right after the hook.
- And finally, the bar would be called, Sandy's Place Too. Or is it Sandy's Place Two?
1 comment:
The wife of a very loyal reader would like to remind the Maltz and the readers of the Maltz blog that she was the one who introduced the Maltz and many Maltz readers to the original Sandy's Place almost 10 years ago. Can Ismael come hang out at Sandy's Place Two?
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