Monday, July 14, 2008

Homeless signs

The Maltz has seen a lot of homeless people with signs recently, and it seems as if they are getting more and more creative each day. There are the funny signs, "Why Lie, I Need $ to Buy Beer", the guilt signs, "It's My Birthday" and then there are the signs that are over played, "Need Another $34 in Bus Money to go back to Houston". I think someone should conduct a survey to see which is the most effective.. bottom line though, my money goes to those who don't ask. I prefer the silent beggars.
-The Maltz

1 comment:

8dahardway said...

I have to say the BEST ever was about 6 yrs ago there was a guy outside Penn Station who had a sign that said "Tell me off for
$1" There was a :30 sec time limit and you could say whatever you wanted to take your frustrations from the day week or even year out on this poor bastard.....this guy must have made a killing because I walked passed every day and there were about 3 ppl at all times waiting to do just that. Tell him off and pay the toll! Crazy pissed off New Yorkers yelling at this guy for :30 sec in the street. I have to admit I took part once or twice myslef and even went over the alotted time limit and had to cough up another $2 once!